2011年6月6日 星期一

Student Checklist to Prepare For College

College is a great part in a young adult's life. This transition from the dependent setting of a high school to the independent setting of college life signifies the transition into adulthood and more. Preparing for college should be of the utmost importance for a college freshman, and making sure that the proper necessities are brought along to the dorm can be the difference between a good or bad experience in the first year.

It is very important for a new student to bring all of the regular school products, such as pens, pencils, notebooks, and a calculator. It may also be a good idea to bring along colored pencils and highlighters. Colored pencils will not be used as much as they were used in high school, but there are some class projects that require colorful work. Highlighters will be used more that a new student would think. Professors are bound to give out packets of reading materials and documents with tons of information. Highlighters can help to decipher what is important from what is not for studying purposes.

Along with school supplies, items that will be needed in the dorm room are also essentials. Bring along plenty of clothes. It is always safer to bring more clothes than you need. Taking warm clothes is also key because although the weather may be nice in the morning, it can change fast. Also, the long walks from the dorm or apartment to class can be a rather chilly one. Many pairs of undergarments and socks should also be brought along.

Bathroom products and toiletries are easily forgotten and very important amenities. It is important to keep clean in college because dorm rooms and residence halls can cause diseases and viruses to spread rapidly. Flip flops or sandals should be brought to wear in the shower to stop the spread of things like warts and other foot dwelling viruses.

Most dorm rooms come with their own lofts, beds, and desks, so none of those items will be needed. Depending on where the schooling is taking place, there may already be furniture, such as a futon or chairs, in the room. If this is not the case, then these things should be provided. A futon is a very important piece of furniture because students typically spend much more time in their room than they intend on spending there. Having a comfortable place to sit can be the difference between comfortable studying and lying on the floor trying to study.

Electronic equipment and entertainment is a very much needed asset to a college dorm room. A television set should be brought from home, along with any gaming consoles that a student would like to play with while there. Online gaming is very big on college campuses and can provide relief from countless hours of studying. Food storage devices, such as refrigerator and freezers, should also be brought. A student cannot always count on a store or a restaurant to be open. Having these things in the room can provide a tasty treat during midnight study sessions.

By far the most important thing that a college student can bring to school is their very own laptop computer. These little devices come in very handy in all situations. They can provide entertainment during down times from studies and are essential for writing papers and researching topics for classes. Although it is not a good behavior to start, they can also be used for internet surfing during the most boring lectures.

Giovanna Villanueva is the author of this article on College.

Find more information about Grants for College here.

